
Today’s Students Coalitions’ federal policy resources include the most current data on adult students, parenting students, college affordability, equity, and more. Our work has resulted in positive change for today’s students, including access to discounted broadband for Pell students, the establishment of emergency aid funds, and increased financial aid for parenting students.

Issue Brief: Multiple Pathways & Quality Assurance

The world of credentials is much broader than a 2- or 4- year degree. One in four Americans has a non-degree credential or certificate. We invest around $150 billion in traditional higher education, but many promising new entrants, even those showing promising results, still can’t participate in federal student aid programs. Our new issue brief outlines…
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Exploring Key Questions: Program-Level Repayment for Higher Education Accountability

A growing number of advocates and policy experts believe that institutions of higher education should be held accountable for repayment rates based on their specific program of study within the institution. To take a deeper look at how program-level repayment might be used as a tool for greater accountability and transparency, Higher Learning Advocates commissioned this…
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101: Income-Driven Repayment (IDR)

What is Income-Driven Repayment (IDR)? Income-driven repayment (IDR) is a federal student loan repayment program that allows students to repay their loans based on their income, family size, and loan balance. Since 1994, the federal government has offered income-driven repayment plan options to help borrowers with lower earning power repay loans at a slower pace…
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Survey Reveals Gap Between Public and Policymakers When it Comes to Understanding Today’s College Students

Higher Learning Advocates research tests understanding of today’s college students; finding that while the pop culture archetype still holds sway with many in the general public, policymakers are attuned to demographic shifts   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 18, 2018 Contact: Ted Eismeier, WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 18, 2018) — Today, Higher Learning Advocates, a bipartisan organization working…
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Public Comment on Quality and Innovation at U.S. Department of Education Hearing

Bipartisan advocacy group urges the Department of Education to offer regulatory changes “through the lens of putting student outcomes first” WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 6, 2018) — Emily Bouck, Policy and Advocacy Director at Higher Learning Advocates, testified at a hearing held by the U.S. Department of Education today as it considers a negotiated rulemaking process that…
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Higher Learning Advocates Submits Comments Opposing Repeal of Gainful Employment Rule

For Immediate Release: September 13, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 13, 2018) — Today, Higher Learning Advocates submitted comments in response the U.S. Department of Education’s proposal to repeal the Gainful Employment rule, a federal regulation that holds certain programs at institutions of higher education accountable based on the earning metrics of their graduates. In the written…
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The Glossary of Higher Education Policy

The Glossary of Higher Education Policy

Today’s students need a bipartisan and comprehensive rewrite of the Higher Education Act that upgrades quality, strengthens affordability, and promotes the more accountable system of higher education today’s students deserve. Learn to speak higher ed wonk with our resource, “The Glossary of Higher Education Policy”, which provides definitions of commonly-referenced terms in higher ed policy.…
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101: Pell Grant Rainy Day Fund

What is the Pell Grant Program? The Pell Grant program is a federal means-tested program that offers postsecondary aid in the form of a grant to be used for tuition, fees, and related expenses. Operated by the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Financial Student Aid (FSA), the Pell Grant program is available on…
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State Profiles

State profiles feature key data points, visual infographics, and brief explanations of all 50 states, and are a quick and easy resource for policymakers, analysts and media.

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