Insights & Outlooks

Community College Leaders Band Together to Advocate for Today’s Students

Community College Leaders Band Together to Advocate for Today’s Students

The characteristics of individuals enrolling in postsecondary education today are significantly different than they were when the Higher Education Act was first passed by Congress in the 1960s. Over 70 percent of today’s postsecondary students can be described as “non-traditional”—balancing work and family obligations while attending classe...
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Young Invincibles: Advocating for Today’s Students

Young Invincibles: Advocating for Today’s Students

As 2019 comes toward a close, we at Young Invincibles are taking stock of the many efforts we undertook this year to advocate on behalf of young adults. We have done so to advance our mission of empowering young adults aged 18-34 to fully engage in our democracy and achieve economic security.  We have maintained…
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4 Ways Congress Made Progress Supporting Today’s Students in 2019

4 Ways Congress Made Progress Supporting Today’s Students in 2019

Washington has earned a reputation in recent years for being so mired in partisan politics that it is unable to act effectively. However, that sweeping assessment misses the fact that there has been some bipartisan action on Capitol Hill on certain issues, including education and skills development. With 2019 coming to an end, it’s worth…
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#SAadvocates for #TodaysStudents: NASPA 2019 Advocacy

#SAadvocates for #TodaysStudents: NASPA 2019 Advocacy

As the leading voice of student affairs, NASPA – Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education provides insight on federal and state public policy proposals that influence the daily lives of today’s students. Representing over 15,000 members across the world, NASPA connects our members and the broader field of student affairs with timel...
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What It Takes to Achieve Equity in Higher Ed

What It Takes to Achieve Equity in Higher Ed

The mission of the National College Access Network is to build, strengthen, and empower communities and stakeholders to close equity gaps in postsecondary attainment for all students. As NCAN embarks on a new strategic plan, and we celebrate our 25th anniversary in 2020, we asked leaders from the college access and success field what they…
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State of the Military-Connected Student Community in 2019

State of the Military-Connected Student Community in 2019

This year we’ve enjoyed enormous momentum in policy, advocacy, and legislation on issues important to military-connected students that sets up ambitious goals for 2020. Legislation was introduced in both sides of Congress which, if passed, would demonstrably improve the educational experiences for military-connected students and ensure better out...
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Higher Learning Advocates Board Members and Staff: Inspiration for Higher Education

Higher Learning Advocates Board Members and Staff: Inspiration for Higher Education

Higher Learning Advocates is a bipartisan non-profit advocacy organization working to shift federal policy from higher education to higher learning—education and training beyond high school that leads to a degree, credential, or employment. Its board members and staff are committed to the change needed to support the needs and success of today’...
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Faculty and Administration: Inspiration for Higher Education

Faculty and Administration: Inspiration for Higher Education

Administration and faculty members at institutions of higher education work with today’s students day in and day out. They are on the front lines working to provide students with high-quality education programs and see first-hand the needs of today’s students. Insights & Outlooks spoke with administration and faculty members about their ins...
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