Insights & Outlooks

Transforming the Transcript

Transforming the Transcript

Flipping the Script: Making sure all learning counts. “I was worried I would not be able to find a job due to my lack of experience, inadequate resume and now, time away from the workforce. I continued to apply for work. To my dismay, my resume did not demonstrate that I was a strong enough…
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Capturing All Learning, and Documenting It, Too

Capturing All Learning, and Documenting It, Too

Elon University serves as one of the leaders in experiential education, expanding students’ knowledge beyond the classroom to the real world. These experiences, ranging from internships to study abroad, have become strongholds of an Elon education and is what drew us to pick Elon as the college we both wanted to attend. But we both…
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A Chamber Executive Who Advocates for Higher Education and Workforce Priorities

A Chamber Executive Who Advocates for Higher Education and Workforce Priorities

Tony Carvajal was born to immigrant parents who came to the United States from Cuba pursuing opportunity. They had no money and no idea where they might land, but knew they were headed to freedom. Growing up as a first-generation Cuban in Miami, Tony spoke Spanish before he spoke English. While he struggled with reading…
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A Q&A with Gardner Carrick, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for The Manufacturing Institute, The National Association of Manufacturers

A Q&A with Gardner Carrick, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for The Manufacturing Institute, The National Association of Manufacturers

Insights & Outlooks: What are the most important education and training priorities for the manufacturing sector today? Manufacturers across the country are facing a workforce crisis.  Surveys of the members of the National Association of Manufacturers have shown finding and retaining a qualified workforce to be the top concern for nearly two ...
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The Digital Badge Revolution

The Digital Badge Revolution

For better or worse, we live in a society in which credentials are currency.  A credential is a signal that the bearer has participated in and successfully completed some type of formal learning. Some credentials are broad and encompassing while others are highly specialized.  In spite of the vast number of credentials awarded by an…
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Backgrounder: Evolving Models of Postsecondary Learning

Backgrounder: Evolving Models of Postsecondary Learning

Today’s students—who are more likely to be workers, parents, returning adults, veterans, and more—may have postsecondary education experiences and pathways that don’t fit traditional molds. They no longer follow a single and consistent pathway to a degree. Today’s students need access to more flexible higher learning pathways and delivery...
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To Unlock the Value of the Degree, Break It Down: How Digital Credentials Might Bend the Curve on Degree Skepticism

To Unlock the Value of the Degree, Break It Down: How Digital Credentials Might Bend the Curve on Degree Skepticism

Less than half of Americans now believe that going to college will pay off with higher lifetime earnings. And employers, faced with seemingly endemic skills gaps, are beginning to look beyond the degree as a proxy for skills that matter in the future of work. Earlier this year, JPMorgan announced it will end the practice…
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The New Credentials Marketplace

The New Credentials Marketplace

Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton documented the shocking increase in “deaths of despair” – the rising mortality rates for middle-aged White Americans with a high school education or less. While conversations continue about how best to prepare people for the future of work, the Case and Deaton data reminds us of the human&hellip...
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