Our Advocacy
Higher Learning Advocates and 62 Partners Urge Congress to Increase CCAMPIS Funding
WASHINGTON — Today, Higher Learning Advocates and 62 partner organizations sent a letter to Congress to express our strong support for increasing funding for the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program to $500 million—the amount needed to provide child care support to approximately 6 percent of Pell-eligible student parents ...
Higher Learning Advocates Submits Letter on FY 2022 Appropriations
WASHINGTON — Today, Higher Learning Advocates submitted a letter outlining our support for key issues as the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education begins the FY 2022 appropriations process. HLA urged the subcommittee to consider investments in essential child care, higher education, and campus mental health programs. Rea...
Higher Learning Advocates Submits Comments on Improving our Nation’s Workforce System
WASHINGTON — Today, Higher Learning Advocates submitted comments to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions in response to a request for input on policy ideas on workforce development. Higher Learning Advocates was pleased to submit comments for review, particularly as there has never been a more important time to ensure that post...
Higher Learning Advocates & 30 Partners Request Agency Coordination to Ensure Students Receive Federal Aid
WASHINGTON — Today, Higher Learning Advocates and 30 partners submitted a letter to the Office of Management & Budget (OMB), requesting that OMB improve coordination across federal agencies to ensure that students receive the federal aid provided under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. Students are still struggling as the pandemic ...
Higher Learning Advocates Submits Reply Comment Regarding the Emergency Broadband Benefit
WASHINGTON — Higher Learning Advocates today submitted a reply comment to the Federal Communications Commission regarding the broadband benefit for Pell-eligible students. HLA reaffirmed the importance of ensuring that all students can quickly access the benefit and shared our support for additional recommendations. You can read the full commen...
Higher Learning Advocates Submits Comments to the FCC Regarding Broadband Benefit for Pell Students
WASHINGTON — Higher Learning Advocates today submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission regarding the broadband benefit for Pell-eligible students. As the pandemic continues, HLA hopes that the FCC will act to ensure that all eligible students can quickly access the benefit. Read the comments here.
Executive Director Julie Peller and Higher Learning Advocates’ Board Members Urge Congress to Support Students’ Immediate Needs
WASHINGTON — Executive Director Julie Peller and Higher Learning Advocates’ Board of Directors wrote to Congress to highlight the immediate needs of today’s students and to share HLA’s Playbook for Today’s Students. The Playbook, published yesterday, highlights already introduced legislation that would help widen the path ...
Higher Learning Advocates & Twenty-Eight Partner Organizations Call to Prioritize Higher Education in the Biden Administration
WASHINGTON — Twenty-nine organizations came together today to urge President-Elect Biden and his transition team to prioritize higher education in the incoming Biden Administration. In a letter to the president-elect, spearheaded by Higher Learning Advocates, the organizations stated: “Selecting a secretary and other senior officials who wi...