
Today’s Students Coalitions’ federal policy resources include the most current data on adult students, parenting students, college affordability, equity, and more. Our work has resulted in positive change for today’s students, including access to discounted broadband for Pell students, the establishment of emergency aid funds, and increased financial aid for parenting students.

Distance Education Backgrounder

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic made distance education the new normal, it was steadily becoming more common. Today’s students—many of whom work while in college, are financially independent, or have children of their own—need access to a college education off-campus to pursue higher education in a format that works for them. But there are still…
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Using Earnings Metrics for Accountability

By Robert Kelchen, Associate Professor, Seton Hall University Commissioned by Higher Learning Advocates  The main reason why most students go to college is for a better future, including better labor market outcomes and higher wages. A national survey of full-time students entering four-year colleges shows that 85 percent of respondents considered getting a better job…
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FAQ: Distance Education Accreditation and COVID-19 Waivers

FAQ: Distance Education Accreditation and COVID-19 Waivers

Today’s students—37 percent of whom are over the age of 25, a quarter of whom are parents, and 60 percent who work—have been increasingly juggling school with home and work responsibilities over the past decade. As such, students before the pandemic had been turning to online education at increasing rates for flexibility. Now, due to…
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Higher Education Policy & Regulatory Transition Recommendations

WASHINGTON (October 6, 2020) — Higher Learning Advocates provided recommendations to advance higher education policy and regulations in key areas that will empower our nation’s students to obtain the skills they need to gain employment and succeed in the 21st century, especially in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Download the memorandum here.
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Outcomes-Based Accountability: Holding Institutions Accountable for Successful Student Loan Repayment

Today’s students’ loan debt totals over $1.5 trillion, and more than 1 million students default on loans each year. With this astronomical amount of student loan debt that continues to rise, students should be assured that the institutions they’re attending are providing high-quality student outcomes. Unfortunately, that is not what’s happening. Outcomes-Based Accountability: Holding Institutions…
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101: Federal Accountability in Higher Education

The 101: Federal Accountability in Higher Education explains significant accountability measurement requirements that institutions of higher education must meet to gain access to federal student aid programs. Today’s students deserve to attend institutions that offer high-quality programs and credentials that lead to fulfilling careers and earnings. Download our 101: Federal Accountability in Higher Education to…
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101: Negotiated Rulemaking

A Quirk of Federal Higher Education Policy: Negotiated Rulemaking The Higher Education Act (HEA) requires the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to use a process called “negotiated rulemaking” in order to make any changes to programs authorized under HEA’s Title IV, the section that houses federal financial aid programs and affects more than $130 billion…
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Issue Brief: Multiple Pathways & Quality Assurance

The world of credentials is much broader than a 2- or 4- year degree. One in four Americans has a non-degree credential or certificate. We invest around $150 billion in traditional higher education, but many promising new entrants, even those showing promising results, still can’t participate in federal student aid programs. Our new issue brief outlines…
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State Profiles

State profiles feature key data points, visual infographics, and brief explanations of all 50 states, and are a quick and easy resource for policymakers, analysts and media.

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