Achieving victories for today's students
Higher Learning Advocates’ first strategic plan focused on shifting federal policy to accelerate responsiveness to support the success of today’s students. This coincided with a turbulent time in our nation’s history — including political uncertainty, unrest, and an unprecedented global pandemic. However, we continued our advocacy for today’s students and:
- Identified federal policies that further state, institutional, and provider responsiveness to supporting today’s students.
- Expanded the universe of people and organizations committed to addressing the needs of today’s students through federal policy.
- Solidified the reputation of HLA as an indispensable advocacy-first organization.
Today, Higher Learning Advocates is the leading advocate for federal policy change for today’s students. Since our launch in 2017, we have seen a dramatic increase in recognition of the needs of today’s students evidenced by legislative and Administrative support for our policy recommendations. As well, we have galvanized more than 100 organizations to act in support of our recommendations and goals.
- Pell students have access to discounted broadband service.
- Emergency aid funds exist and can be used for all services including repaying debts and mental health.
- More of parenting students’ income is protected — meaning they are eligible for more financial aid.
- Leading national organizations regularly come together to advocate for today’s students.
Because of our work
Pell students have access to discounted broadband service.
Emergency aid funds exist and can be used for all services including repaying debts and mental health.
More of parenting students’ income is protected — meaning they are eligible for more financial aid.
Leading national organizations regularly come together to advocate for today’s students.
Building on our success
Today’s economic and political environment requires Higher Learning Advocates to take our approach and focus on today’s students into a broader context that recognizes a full spectrum of opportunities for learning beyond high school, that identifies opportunities for policy change at the federal and state levels, and that raises the profile of the change we seek.
Advance Reform
We will advance policies and support programs that ensure opportunity for all learners to succeed through an equitable system of higher learning.
Connect Systems
We will define and advance a clear vision of interconnected higher education, workforce and training systems.
Raise Profile
We will promote the value proposition for postsecondary learning as a critical issue in policy and politics.
Objective #1: Advance Reform
We will advance policies and support programs that ensure opportunity for all learners to succeed through an equitable system of higher learning.
Policy change must intentionally address the shortcomings of and inequities in our current system of higher learning while upholding the promise and talent of today’s students. We will continue to advance policy solutions that are at the same time transformative and practical; solutions that are centered on what matters most — supporting the success of today’s students, especially those who have been left behind for far too long.
We will:
- ensure today’s students voices are an integral part of the policy making process
- build a groundswell of people and organizations who join us in creating the change we seek
- amplify the support of champions, influencers, and funders aligned with our agenda

Objective #2: Connect Systems
We will define and advance a clear vision of interconnected higher education, workforce and training systems.
We will:
- Pave pathways between workforce training, work based learning, and higher education so that knowledge from multiple sources can be built upon.
- Ensure learners can know, navigate, and access higher learning options in pursuit of upward mobility.
- Enable low-income individuals to access funding for the multiple forms of learning that fit their life circumstances and goals.
- Shift the traditional national narrative to a comprehensive higher learning perspective for all of today’s learners, including the long-term unemployed and potential learners.
Objective #3: Raise Profile
We will promote the value proposition for postsecondary learning as a critical issue in policy and politics.
While critical to the nation, higher education and workforce training largely fail to dominate the national policy conversation. However, bold and sustaining change is often impossible to achieve without a compelling interest by policymakers and the public. By investing in critical messaging, exploring connections to the pressing issues of the day, and engaging in tough conversations, we will make the case that policymakers must pay critical attention to the success of today’s learners.
We will:
- Ensure today’s students’ voices are an integral part of the policy making process.
- Build a groundswell of people and organizations who join us in creating the change we seek.
- Amplify the support of champions, influencers, and funders aligned with our agenda.
Breaking down barriers between education & the workforce

Higher Learning Advocates approaches policy change through multiple means, including policy development, direct influence, partner engagement, strategic communications, and building awareness. We ground our policy proposals in an ongoing conversation, build champions for an issue, and lead policymakers to see that solutions can make a difference.
Focus on three strategic policy areas — Connecting Opportunities, Supporting Students, and Driving Value
Invest in partnerships, coalitions, and champions
Retain our commitment to bipartisan policy change
Explore and employ premier advocacy-based strategies to reach our goals
Pillar #1: Advance our agenda
Focus on 3 strategic policy areas — Connecting Opportunities, Supporting Students, & Driving Value
The system of higher education today’s students deserve must support all students’ needs regarding access, affordability, and their future success. Federal policy is a great catalyst in ensuring that such a system exists for all of today’s students.
We will:
- Advance policy solutions that create and sustain a system of higher learning that values all pathways to and through postsecondary learning, and that connects learners so that all learning is counted, valued, and transparent.
- Identify and remove barriers in federal policy beyond the Higher Education Act that prevent students from accessing means-tested programs while they are enrolled in school and to recommend policy proposals to address the barriers to better serving today’s students.
- Advance quality and accountability of institutions and programs for today’s students and recommend new policy proposals, advance efforts to protect quality in a variety of legislative and administrative contexts, and build the case that quality and accountability is critical to student success.
Connect Opportunities • Support Students • Drive Value

Pillar #2: Develop Critical Relationships
Invest in partnerships, coalitions, and champions
Policy change is rarely the result of one singular organization or advocate. As such, we believe that it is critical to work in deep partnership with key stakeholders to develop and advance policy solutions. Especially critical is sustained engagement with partners to develop and assess the policy needs and solutions on the ground.
We will:
- Intentionally seek new partnership and collaboration with those working on related issues outside of the higher education space and deepen our current partnerships, including those focused on anti-poverty and means tested program reform, workforce development, and skills. Such cross-sector collaboration will allow for new conversations, policy ideation, and collaboration.
- Operate and grow the Today’s Students Coalition—a cross-cutting group of more than 30 advocacy, membership, and student organizations that Higher Learning Advocates organizes and runs—as a powerful voice for today’s students and the go-to resource for policymakers and key stakeholders.
- Raise funds and attract supporters to ensure sustainable, growing organizational support.
Pillar #3: Work across party lines
Retain our commitment to bipartisan policy change
In today’s political environment, where too much is viewed as intractable partisan positioning, it is essential that we create opportunities to strategically engage Congress and the Administration in a manner that puts today’s learners at the center. By doing so, we will build on our proven track record to advance policy solutions that transcend party politics.
We will:
- Identify practical policy solutions for today’s learners that transcend party politics and can bring stakeholders together.
- Build relationships across the aisle with policymakers that are aligned with our agenda and who can work together to move our agenda forward.

Pillar #4: Amplify today's learners' voices
Explore and employ premier advocacy-based strategies to reach our goals
Successful policy change is supported by an emotional connection to drive reforms, yet postsecondary advocacy is often disconnected from student experiences. Policy changes are more meaningful if policymakers have the opportunity to connect the issues and solutions to people and real-life situations.
We will:
- Highlight the unique challenges, paths, and successes of students, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, to federal policymakers and influencers.
- Create opportunities to strategically engage Congress and the Administration to strengthen the drumbeat surrounding our advocacy efforts.
- Engage with today’s learners, stakeholders, advocates, and champions to directly speak to the opportunities and challenges of today’s learners.