Insights & Outlooks

The Equity Imperative in Higher Education Policy and Practice

The Equity Imperative in Higher Education Policy and Practice

As a first-generation college graduate employed by an organization that promotes equity in higher education policies and practices, I am encouraged by ongoing conversations and actions among higher education policymakers and others that aim to improve access and outcomes for all students, regardless of their starting point in life and particularly ...
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The Tradition of Student Activism Influencing Higher Education Policy

The Tradition of Student Activism Influencing Higher Education Policy

I recently visited a student activism class full of masters-level students studying higher education administration where I spoke about my experience and writing about how students can influence policy and policymakers. In reflection, we are in an exciting time where there is more than a course-worth of academic research on student activism. And, t...
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Equity—It Takes a College

Equity—It Takes a College

Colorado has a problem, and we’re not alone. For many years, Colorado has had one of the highest post-secondary attainment rates in the nation. In fact, our well-educated workforce has helped Colorado claim the top spot in the U.S. News and World Report list of states with the greatest economic stability and potential. But, we…
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Equity for Low-income Black Students

Equity for Low-income Black Students

My financial aid for my last year of college was drastically different than my first couple of years. For the first time, I owed the institution money. This change in aid hit me hard.  I made the decision to live off campus, instead of on-campus with a full meal plan like I had done previously.…
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Equity Implications for Higher Education Policy

Equity Implications for Higher Education Policy

As an immigrant to this great nation and a citizen by choice, I am reminded of those last six words in the Pledge of Allegiance that I recited at my naturalization ceremony: “with liberty and justice for all.” These six words resonate with me today as clear and compelling as they did in 1998. Especially…
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Student Debt and the Racial Wealth Gap: Reform Should Narrow the Chasm 

Student Debt and the Racial Wealth Gap: Reform Should Narrow the Chasm 

We are eleven years overdue for reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Many groups, from consumer advocates, to civil rights groups, to higher ed organizations, have called for a reauthorization that centers access, affordability and accountability. The question then becomes, how should this be done? As awareness of the $1.6 trillion student ...
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Washington state’s new financial aid program serves today’s students those who hire them

Washington state’s new financial aid program serves today’s students those who hire them

Last March, the Seattle Times ran a powerful joint opinion editorial cowritten by Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer, Brad Smith. Joining him were University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce and then-Vice Chairman of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Wayne Martin.  Their position: Let’s lift up W...
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Building Inclusive Pathways to Skills for the Digital Economy

Building Inclusive Pathways to Skills for the Digital Economy

There is no shortage of reports on the future of work in a digital economy and others documenting the skills gap. PwC’s Talent Trends 2019 reports a steep increase in concerns among CEOs—to nearly three quarters—about the availability of skills and half reported that this gap is limiting innovation. Despite a dramatic increase in the…
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