
Can they find common ground on HEA?

Source: Community College Daily
Julie Peller was on a panel at the Inside Higher Education Leadership Series event, where she discussed challenges Congress may encounter while working toward comprehensive HEA reauthorization.
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Overhauling Rules for Higher Ed

Source: Inside Higher Ed
Julie Peller was quoted in Inside Higher Ed on the Department of Education’s intention to encourage more innovation in higher education without addressing the quality of such programs.
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Cutting Oversight of Accreditation Will Spur Innovation, Education Dept. Says. Critics Say Not So Fast.

Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education
Julie Peller was quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education. She argued that the U.S. Department of Education is raising the right questions during negotiated rulemaking on accreditation and innovation, but there must be a strong focus on measuring quality and student outcomes.
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Experts Tie Student Success to Bridging Education and Workforce

Source: Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Experts Tie Student Success to Bridging Education and Workforce December 12, 2018 | 3128 by LaMont Jones WASHINGTON – Better integration of education at all levels, eliminating the distinction between higher education and career preparation and more cooperation among local, state and federal policymakers can remove barriers and better prepare...
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Year Ahead in Higher Education

Source: Podcast
To a Degree by the Gates Foundation featured Julie Peller on their latest podcast. During the show, Julie along with other guests, explored the implications of the 2018 elections for higher education and the issues and people to watch in 2019.  Listen to this episode of the podcast here.
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A Voice for Change in Education

Source: Podcast
Education Trends by the Mission featured Julie Peller on their latest podcast. During the show, Julie discussed Higher Learning Advocates work to make education accessible to students throughout the country by advocating for federal policies that will improve the postsecondary education system. Download this episode of the podcast on iTunes.
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CPE President Aaron Thompson appointed to Champions Network

Source: Clayton County News
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Older Americans don’t know who today’s college students are

Source: Education Dive
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