Check back in December 2025 for details about the 2026 DC Student Summit and learn more about becoming a summit partner.

Student Voice Activated
About the TSC DC Student Summit
The first two days of the annual DC Student Summit are held at One Dupont Circle. On the third day, students meet with congressional offices on Capitol Hill to share their experiences in higher education. We cap off the summit with a congressional reception, where students can network with staff and other higher education professionals.
Led by the Today’s Students Coalition, summit attendees will have the opportunity to:
- Learn how to effectively share their stories with policymakers
- Hear about the most pressing issues in D.C. related to higher education
- Engage in conversations with dozens of congressional offices and representatives from both the legislative and executive branches of government during Hill day
- Attend a culminating reception on Capitol Hill to toast your time spent in Washington, D.C., learning promising practices for civic engagement
Summit Itinerary
From policy briefings to learning how to tell your story to meeting with congressional offices to a reception on Capitol Hill, this annual three-day event brings together higher education students to explore effective forms of civic engagement.
Check back for the official 2025 DC Student Summit itinerary, but here’s what to expect when you attend the summit.
Attendees will learn how to effectively participate in civic engagement.
Students will have the chance to learn about Congress’ policy priorities and long-term solutions for higher ed’s most pressing issues.
Our stories are our most powerful tools. During the personal story roundtable, attendees will learn how to deliver their stories to create positive change in their communities.
Prepare for meetings with members of Congress and their staff by participating in the first in a series of legislative training games. Teams will review the federal legislative agenda and craft their stories for effective civic engagement.
Hear directly from Hill staffers and policy experts on how to share experiences with policymakers to impact change.
Attendees will meet directly with members of Congress and their staff on the Hill about the importance of higher education.
Cap off your DC Student Summit experience with a reception on Capitol Hill! Students will have an opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments over the past few days and chances to network with both policy experts and Hill staffers.
2025 Sponsors
Thank you to our generous sponsors of the 2025 DC Student Summit
Sponsorship Opportunities