Sponsorship Opportunities

DC Student Summit

Partner with Today’s Students Coalition as we unite students from across the country and federal policymakers in our nation’s capital

2025 DC Student Summit logo

Student Voice Activated

At TSC’s annual summit, students learn their experiences, thoughts, and insights matter. That’s what Student Voice Activated is all about — an opportunity to develop and use their voices for effective civic dialogue. It’s an event where students are not just heard but empowered — where students discover their strengths through civic leadership development.

Learn how your invaluable support helps today’s students become leaders.

Sponsorship Levels

Conference Sponsor - $10,000

Provide students with the opportunity to lead conversations on college accessibility, higher education affordability, the importance of racial equity, and students’ basic needs.

As a conference sponsor, your organization’s logo will be displayed at the summit, on the summit’s webpage, and conference materials. You will also have the opportunity to provide remarks at the event (in-person or by video) and submit two job openings for the summit’s career board.

Become a Conference Sponsor »

2024 DC Student Summit

"My most valuable takeaway from this wonderful experience was Capitol Hill Day. Having the opportunity to speak with staffers about what really matters to me and having them listen and engage in the conversation with us, asking questions ... Letting us know our voice is being heard and giving us hope for change."

Student Leader, 2024 DC Student Summit

2024 DC Student Summit

Reception Sponsor - $5,000

We bring today’s students to Congress to experience the heart of our nation! TSC’s DC Student Summit features a culminating reception on Capitol Hill with our student leaders, legislators, and TSC member organizations. This reception allows students to network one-on-one with policymakers and share their experiences.

As a reception sponsor, your organization’s logo will be displayed at the reception, on the summit’s webpage, and in reception materials. You will also receive a shout-out during the reception’s welcome remarks, and your organization can submit one job opening for the summit’s career board.

Become a Reception Sponsor »

Student Sponsor - $1,500

Help make the summit experience possible for students with limited or low incomes. Travel expenses can put this opportunity out of reach for many students. With your help, TSC will award scholarships to up to 10 Pell-eligible students traveling to DC for the summit.

As a student sponsor, you will be recognized and thanked during the conference remarks, your organization’s logo will be displayed on the summit’s webpage, and your organization can submit one job opening for the summit’s career board.

Become a Student Sponsor »

2024 DC Student Summit

"It was so touching to see the differences in education, environment and backgrounds! Every speaker, organizer and sponsor was beyond incredible and made this summit an experience to remember."

Student Leader, 2024 DC Student Summit

Branded water bottles at the DC Student Summit

Snack Sponsor - $500

Many of today’s students struggle with food insecurity. Our coalition members work to support students with unmet basic needs, and snack sponsors help us ensure students are fed while they learn at the summit.

As a snack sponsor, your organization’s logo will be displayed at snack locations and on the summit’s webpage.

Become a Snack Sponsor »

2025 Sponsors

Thank you to our generous sponsors of the 2025 DC Student Summit

2025 DC Student Summit logo