Brenda Brooks dropped out of college 40 years ago. Federal rules mean she can’t afford to go back.

Brenda Brooks dropped out of college 40 years ago. Federal rules mean she can’t afford to go back.

Lately, Englewood native Brenda Brooks has had a tough time finding work. The 60-year-old has decades of experience at CVS and the historic Regal Theater in Avalon Park. But recently, prospective employers have told her, “ ‘You have the qualifications...
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Our news, editorial, and analysis on federal policy surrounding higher education’s most pressing issues.

Navigating the New Higher Learning Landscape

Today’s students need access to a variety of higher learning programs that equip them with the tools they need to succeed in the evolving workforce. The linear path from high school to college and employment is increasingly insufficient: today’s students may need several entry and exit points to and through higher learning throughout their live...
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Issue Brief: Multiple Pathways & Quality Assurance

The world of credentials is much broader than a 2- or 4- year degree. One in four Americans has a non-degree credential or certificate. We invest around $150 billion in traditional higher education, but many promising new entrants, even those showing promising results, still can’t participate in federal student aid programs. Our new issue brief ...
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Year Ahead in Higher Education

Source: Podcast
To a Degree by the Gates Foundation featured Julie Peller on their latest podcast. During the show, Julie along with other guests, explored the implications of the 2018 elections for higher education and the issues and people to watch in 2019.  Listen to this episode of the podcast here.
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A Voice for Change in Education

Source: Podcast
Education Trends by the Mission featured Julie Peller on their latest podcast. During the show, Julie discussed Higher Learning Advocates work to make education accessible to students throughout the country by advocating for federal policies that will improve the postsecondary education system. Download this episode of the podcast on iTunes.
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The Strategy Behind Putting Hoosier Students First

The Strategy Behind Putting Hoosier Students First

When it comes to higher education in Indiana, Hoosier students always come first. Whether we’re developing a statewide higher education strategy or focusing on specific goals, student outcomes represent our measure of success. At the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, our job is to recognize the changing needs and demographics of Hoosier st...
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Putting Students First: What Does It Look Like in Policy and Practice?

Putting Students First: What Does It Look Like in Policy and Practice?

From his time as a college president and a university trustee to his work as U.S. under secretary of education, few have had a more up close and personal view to the work of improving American higher education than Dr. Ted Mitchell. Today, he continues that work as the president of the American Council on…
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Creating Student-Centric Support Systems for Military-Connected Students

Creating Student-Centric Support Systems for Military-Connected Students

Prior to the Post 9/11 GI Bill, little focus was put on promising practices to support military and veteran students in their pursuit of higher education. With the passage of this comprehensive benefit in 2009, administrators at colleges and universities throughout the country began the mad dash of trying to find ways to best support…
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Seeing the Potential in All Students: A Q&A with Michele Siqueiros

Seeing the Potential in All Students: A Q&A with Michele Siqueiros

Insights & Outlooks: As a first-generation high school and college graduate, what comes to mind when you think about the idea of putting students first? Michele Siqueiros: My mother comes to mind—she was always my higher education champion. She did not have the opportunity to attend college, but she encouraged my success early on. Though&hell...
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Accreditors Must Do More to “Be” About Student Success

Accreditors Must Do More to “Be” About Student Success

Kernels of wisdom from some of Michale McComis’ favorite 1980s movies From the Karate Kid’s lessons on persistence to Ferris Bueller’s cautionary tale about student choices and the Princess Bride’s rollicking tale of love and rebellion, the 1980’s represent a marquee period of movie classics. Many offer axioms that can offer surprisingly ...
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Crossing the Finish Line: Research to Re-Engage and Support Students with Some College, No Degree

Crossing the Finish Line: Research to Re-Engage and Support Students with Some College, No Degree

Millions of our nation’s students have accumulated significant college credit but have no credential to recognize their hard work. Roughly 4 million of these students are considered near-completers, meaning they have completed at least two years of coursework—often enough to earn an associate’s degree—and in many cases are just a few credit...
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Breaking the Cycle through College Access: A Foster Youth Story

Breaking the Cycle through College Access: A Foster Youth Story

When I was eight years old, I became a ward of the court, joining 600,000 other children in the foster care system. Over the next few years, I lived in several foster homes and attended six different schools. Fortunately, I was a good student and I graduated knowing I wanted to go to college. But…
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Improving Income-Driven Repayment

Can a simplified repayment process strengthen student financial outcomes? The problems around college affordability and student debt in the U.S. are well-documented: federal student loan debt is approaching $1.5 trillion, and about 1 of every 5 American adults have student loan debt. Many of today’s students do reach the milestone of earning thei...
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